
Sabtu, 16 April 2016

the best worst day ever

Well...yesterday I mean.

So my ankle is showing signs of being it hurts a lot.

Mom took off with my house keys as I found out later that night. I didnt get to see F12 play =[

So I went out to go shopping with grandma, mom and some of her friends...but fell asleep in the car. They started out in Wal Mart...they were in there for like 5 hours (no joke) and then went to the dollar tree and stayed in there for two hours!!! WTF. So yeah I was in the car the entire time. Then they went to target...where I completely lost track of the time but watched a lady hit a shopping cart O.o

Then grandpa clogged the toilet and everyone blamed it on me....EFF YOU GUYS.

And the rest of the week was shitty but I did what adam said...which is to think of something good when everything sucks. So I did...and ended up in this odd ecstatic state full of magical feelings (roll back to the time when adam and me first kissed...ho snap)

So what made this day so great? Well first I was in Mocospace forums (mocospace...Im guessing stands for mobile community...its a lot like myspace) and this chick had an abortion and was asking for some comfort. Almost everyone attacked her so I told her to go to passboards (an abortion support place...that actually is more like a general womans forum but focuses on abortions). She thanked me and...well that made me feel super good inside =]

Then I went home. My toilet had this monsterous clog...(Im thinking from my brother playing in there and flushing stuff down the toilet). Toilet was down for a week. Guess who beat it yesterday? *sound FFVII victory theme* woohoo! The only problem now is that the flush is scary. When you pull the handle large bubbles are like "bloop bloop" and it makes a scary noise. Also we have a raised foundation and you can feel it when the toilet flushes XD

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