well not so much Bradley and Buck. But here is their interesting story.
So...first...lets meet Jesse. Jesse is the son of Nova and Dustin. For whatever reason, Jesse inherited the normal Sims2 eyes and not the nice realistic ones. Like it passed through five generations and was only showing up with Nova and Dustins offspring. Why did I keep them paired? Well there is a gene Im breeding out. Basically the noses on some males looks odd and slightly detached from their face. Only shows up on the Y chromosome I guess. Anyway...Jesse got normal green Sims eyes but didnt inherit the nose gene.
sooo...I kept him.
However I wanted the realistic eyes back with hopefully more males.
Now meet Ashlynne (I think). Ashlynne is Novas mom. Since I can only have cousins mate within the game, I summoned the tombstone of life and death.
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true > shift + left click on person > spawn > Tombstone of L & D
Nova became pregnant with Ashlynnes baby and Ashlynne became pregnant by Dustin.
talk about redneck.
So...Nova had a little girl that I named Baili. She isnt bad looking so I kept her around. Thats her in the picture at the top of this post.
Ashlynne had twin boys...Buck and Bradley. But I killed them cause they had the nose gene.
Apparently when I went to take more pics...there were triplets. I think they might also be Ashlynnes but Im not sure with who XD.
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